DiagonaleThe cornerstone

Planning - the starting point in the creation of a design project. Planning in this project suggests to asymmetric placement of furniture, which is the basis for the development of a free and dynamic design of the interior design. Asymmetry breaks stereotypes, visually changing space, adds the complexity and effect.

In the beginning of work on the project when the vision and direction is clear, there is process of inspiration searching. In this case, the inspiration was the style of tiles Mainzu from Rialto collection.

MainzuFocal point

Inspiring style of the tiles agreed to be on the focal plane in the joint space of the hall, living room-kitchen. Since the styleof the tiles placed on a square area, and focal wall is rectangular, style is changing and conforming under sizes available with the arrangement of furniture. Created and developed wall painting.

Wall diagonaleDiagonal in the interior

Wall painting contains the diagonal. This dominant diagonal drags and subjugates the design principles of the rack and mirrors, using the same slope.

Diagonal in the interior - this is the dynamics and the progress that has always stimulated the movement and never allow stagnation.

Natural tones soften the intensity and create a moment of respite.

Diagonal begins itsdirection at the entrance (the mirror), inviting to enter and pointing the direction. Diagonal of the mirror passes in the diagonal of the rack, and its relay in to the diagonal of wall painting.

In the focal plane of the diagonal reaches the epicentre and is reborn from the element of movement in part of the process of continuous rotation. It is not going anywhere. It will remain. 


Kesinochairs small

Interior code

Focal point – this is the place of designer interior code pirouette.

Wall painting consists of three branches and these three branches with an inert force pulled by a furniture design - three supportsfor floor lamp and three supportsfor the table. These three contained in an amount of vertical sections of the stack and the number of parts in the mirror facets, in an amount of borders of the table and the number of chairs.

Triangle wall painting plays in unison with the triangular shape of the plane of the tabletop.

Everything revolves and rotates around the focal axis. It creates a kind of association with the carousel.

  • Floor plan and reconstructions
    Floor plan and reconstructions
  • Floor plan and furnishing
    Floor plan and furnishing
  • Electrical plan and lamps
    Electrical plan and lamps
  • Apartment perspective view and rooms axonomettric projections
    Apartment perspective view and rooms axonomettric projections
  • Wall painting scheme
    Wall painting scheme
  • Livingroom perpective view
    Livingroom perpective view
  • Livingroom visualisation. Focal point
    Livingroom visualisation. Focal point
  • Livingroom visualisation. Diagonal in the interior
    Livingroom visualisation. Diagonal in the interior


3D interjera animācija